Single Post

Animate a rotational card movement based on the position of your mouse as it hovers over an element.

Quick links

Navigate to Sana Panel → Settings → Blog → Single Post and turn on the “Display Sidebar” toggle to incorporate a sidebar on your post pages. Choose the left or right position from the drop-down menu.

Show up to three similar posts (based on the category) on the bottom of your post page by turning on the “Display Related Posts” toggle.


Show the post published date below the title by turning on the “Display Date” toggle.


Show the post author name below the title by turning on the “Display Author” toggle.


Display share icons near the bottom of your post by turning on the “Display Share Icons” toggle. You can hide individual social media icons by turning off their respective toggles.

Note: If the post has no featured image, the Pinterest icon won’t be visible.


Show a disclaimer text at the bottom of your posts by turning on the “Display Disclaimer” toggle and by inserting your copy (and other content) in the available field.

Note: Supported HTML tags: p, a, b, i, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, br, em, strong, img

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