Numbers Block
Highlight important stats with this multi-column block.
Quick links
In the Gutenberg editor, open the block section and click or drag the Numbers Block to the editor area. Main elements of the block are:
- Subtitle
- Title
- Paragraph
- Number items
- Add item button
Note: Because of the frequency of use, the first three elements (Subtitle, title and paragraph) of the Text Block are integrated in almost every Sana block.

If the settings side panel is not visible while working on your page or post, click on the Settings icon in the top left corner of the editor toolbar. Once opened you will see all the available options of the selected block, organized into collapsible tabs.
- Value Position – Flip the value and title positions of the Number Items
- Items per Row – Display two, three or four Number Items per row
- Content Align – Align the entire block content left, center or right
- Padding – Add top and bottom block padding
- Background – Choose a solid color or a background image
Note: Content Align positions containers within the block, while Text Align positions text within its own container.

Subtitle, Title, Paragraph
- On/Off toggle – Display or hide the element
- Text Align – Align text left, center or right within its own container
- Font Size – Choose from nine preset sizes or add a custom font size
- Text Color – Select a color for the subtitle, title and paragraph

- Hide on Desktop – Block is visible on mobile, but not on desktop screens
- Hide on Mobile – Block is visible on desktop, but not on mobile screens
Tip: You can create two separate blocks for a section of your page and load each block on a different screen size.

Number Item
Within the Numbers Block you will find the Number Item. This inner block behaves like a module that gives you more flexibility and control over your content. Main elements of the Number Item are:
- Value – Insert your numbers here and use standard text formatting
- Title – Give your numbers context by inserting a title or a description
Tip: Inner blocks are similar to regular blocks. Feel free to move them around, delete them or add new ones.